Monday, November 26, 2007

Membuat Router Sederhana Menggunakan Windows

Bagian paling sulit & paling fatal dalam jaringan komputer sekelas Internet adalah mengabstraksikan (membayangkan) cara kerja jaringan tersebut. Bagaimana mungkin jutaan komputer di seluruh dunia saling berkomunikasi tanpa ada kesalahan dalam pengiriman data, tanpa ada kesalahan memilih rute dll.

Pengalaman saya selama ini menunjukan bahwa kemampuan matematika yang baik akan sangat membantu dalam membayangkan (mengabstraksikan) kerja sebuah jaringan Internet. Konsep matematika seperti domain, set, subset menjadi sangat membantu dalam mengabstraksikan / membayangkan kerja routing & kerja Internet. Kemampuan matematika yang lemah, tampaknya menjadi kendala banyak orang Indonesia dalam mengabstraksikan kerja Internet.

Tulisan ini mencoba membahas pembuatan sebuah router sederhana menggunakan sistem operasi Windows 98. Terus terang, untuk aplikasi jaringan yang serius sebaiknya anda menggunakan Linux sebagai basis pembangunan sebuah router maupun komponen jaringan lainnya.

Ada Lima (5) tahapan dalam membuat sebuah router di mesin Windows 98, yaitu:

1. Rancangan Topologi Jaringan.

2. Konfigurasi kartu jaringan (LAN)

3. Konfigurasi sistem operasi

4. Belajar menggunakan perintah route.exe

5. Membuat batch file autostarting.

Download Here....

Saturday, November 10, 2007

HTML Tutorial description

Web design is quickly becoming popular and more and more people are wanting to make Web pages cheap and easily
Web design is quickly becoming popular and more and more people are wanting to make Web pages cheap and easily, and simple to learn. In this tutorial, you will learn how to develop Web pages in YOUR language, not an undecipherable language.

You will learn the basics to a Web page, how to connect pages and files, insert images and sounds, tables, set a style, format text, set up a form, and finally send your files to the World Wide Web. Samples to many effects are given, and you can even challenge your mind to the interactive quizzes given in each lesson. And what better way to present information to designing simple Web pages
than in a simple Web site - by which this tutorial is built.

Aside from is simple language, this program is very easy to use. Just use the links above to navigate through the whole tutorial.

HTML Tutorial is an electronic book which was made to help you learn the basic principles of HTMl language.

This tutorial is broken into eight lessons, a study review section (a study sheet for the serious Web master containing alot of information, including an index to the elements used in this tutorial), and a glossary, which is composed of the bolded-blue words throughout the tutorial.

The term for creating a Web page is designing . You do this by a process called coding. When you make changes to your page, you edit it. You, the creator, may be called an author or webmaster. Whenever you are coding your Web page, it is called a Web document.

When this Web document is viewed by a Web browser (software to view the World Wide Web (WWW), it is called a Web page, where no one can remove any of your contents because they are embedded. Two or more Web pages that communicate with the other in some chronological, etc. order is called a Web site. Finally, the first page people see of your Web site is often referred to as the homepage, or simply HOME.

Download hire.....

Thursday, November 8, 2007

CSS Tutorial


Using CSS you will be able to put out pages with much less work, that load much faster, and will be easy to update and print!

Needless to say, you will have an advantage over the competition. BTW, all this is 100% standards compliant and should work in 99% of browsers being used today.


As with all my writing, I tried to make this web design tutorial on CSS as easy as possible to follow. Instead of a boring-nerd centric style, I’ve used more of a conversational style.

This tutorial website is like anything else in life; you get back what you put into it. So if you really want to learn how to design great looking pages, resist the temptation to stop halfway to use a web design program like FrontPage or Dreamweaver. By finishing the tutorial you will gain a big advantage over all the others out there that gave up!

Don’t get me wrong, this stuff isn’t that hard; it’s just that some people are really lazy!

download CSS Tutorial [DOC]

download CSS Tutorial [ZIP]

PHP tutorial

PHP is a powerful server-side scripting language for creating dynamic and interactive websites.

PHP is the widely-used, free, and efficient alternative to competitors such as Microsoft's ASP. PHP is perfectly suited for Web development and can be embedded directly into the HTML code.

The PHP syntax is very similar to Perl and C. PHP is often used together with Apache (web server) on various operating systems. It also supports ISAPI and can be used with Microsoft's IIS on Windows.

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