Saturday, June 27, 2009

keunggulan dan kekurangan sierra 881u HSDPA

Modem Sierra 881u

Pada artikel ini saya akan membahas tetang perangkat modem sierra 881u, apa saja kelebihan dan kekurangannya. Semoga tulisan ini bisa menjadi referensi bagi anda yang hendak membeli perangkat modem 3G.

Dulu waktu saya beli modem ini harganya masih sekitar 1 jutaan, tapi dengar dengar harganya turun sekarang menjadi sekitar 900-800 ribuan.

Modem sierra 881u ini menggunakan interface USB yang bisa dicolokan di PC atau laptop (asal jangan di hidung aja, apalagi di pantat

Untuk sebuah modem USB, sierra 881u ini termasuk besar ukurannya. Hal ini bisa dimaklumi karena pada modem ini terdapat fasilitas yang nggak ada di modem 3G lainnya, yaitu fasilitas GPS (Global Positioning System).

Dengan GPS anda bisa mengetahui lokasi anda berada saat ini pada peta dan menentukan lokasi yang hendak anda tuju dengan bantuan satelit. Hal ini dimungkinkan karena pada modem ini tertanam sebuah chip GPS.

Dari pengalaman saya biarpun dipakai seharian modem ini tetap dingin alias tidak panas, berbeda ketika anda memakai handphone/ponsel 3G sebagai modem. Handphone anda akan cepat panas dan usia pakainya jadi lebih singkat.

Berikut ini kelebihan dan kekurangan modem sierra 881u

Kelebihan modem Sierra 881u

  1. support HSUPA 7.2 Mbps (4G)

  2. ada fasilitas GPS

  3. dingin, nggak cepat panas

  4. bisa ditambah antena external untuk memperkuat sinyal

Kekurangan modem Sierra 881u

  1. ukuran agak besar

  2. colokan USB model lipat, beresiko patah. solusinya gunakan USB docking.

  3. memakai baterai tambahan (yang ini kelebihan atau kekurangan ya???)

  4. belum support sistem operasi linux

Modem sierra 881u ini sudah mensupport jaringan HSUPA 7.2 Mbps downlink dan uplink 2Mbps. Tetapi pada waktu saya beli dulu settingannya masih memakai HSDPA 3.6 Mbps.

Untuk mengubah ke modus HSUPA 7.2 Mbps, anda perlu memberikan perintah AT (AT Command) ke modem. Berikut ini langkah langkahnya.

Mengaktifkan modus HSUPA 7.2 Mbps pada modem sierra 881u

Pertama anda harus mengetahui nomor port AT command modem sierra di komputer anda (kasusnya bisa berbeda beda). Caranya sebagai berikut :

  1. klik kanan pada icon My Computer lalu pilih Properties

  2. klik tab Hardware

  3. klik tombol Device Manager

  4. klik bagian Ports (COM & LPT)

  5. cari bagian Sierra Wireless AT Command Port (UMTS)

  6. catat berapa nomor COM-nya, misalnya COM15, COM18, dsb

Setelah itu lakukan perintah AT (AT command) ke modem sierra anda, berikut langkah langkahnya :

  1. jalankan program HyperTerminal di windows dengan mengklik tombol Start > Accessories > Communications > HyperTerminal.

  2. pada dialog Connection Description, isikan nama (sembarang) lalu klik OK

  3. pada dialog Connect To, lihat bagian Connect using, pilih nomor port yang anda catat tadi, klik OK

  4. ketikan AT!HSDCAT=8 lalu tekan enter, maka akan muncul pesan OK

  5. ketikan AT!HSUCAT=5 lalu tekan enter, maka akan muncul pesan OK

  6. restart modem

  7. selesai, sekarang kecepatan modem anda 7.2 Mbps

Mengaktifkan fitur GPS pada modem sierra 881u

  1. download firmware untuk modem sierra disini

  2. lepas SIM card dari modem

  3. lakukan update firmware dengan menjalankan setup hingga selesai. update firmware tidak boleh gagal karena mati lampu misalnya, soalnya bisa berakibat fatal bagi perangkat keras modem. jadi pastikan listrik anda tidak padam (gunakan UPS atau laptop)

  4. download software 3G watcher yang baru disini

  5. lakukan update software 3G watcher MP dengan menjalankan setup hingga selesai

  6. modem anda siap untuk ber-GPS ria

Untuk membuka menu GPS, jalankan software 3G watcher MP lalu klik menu Tools > Display GPS. Seperti ini tampilannya.

Sierra 8811u HSDPA

Sierra 8811u

Perlu diingat untuk GPS-an dengan modem sierra 881u ini sama sekali tidak butuh kartu SIM alias nggak pake pulsa, yang anda butuhkan adalah sinyal dari satelit diatas sana.

Untuk menampilkan peta anda bisa menggunakan software tambahan antara lain dengan software garmin yang sudah dilengkapi peta indonesia tentunya.

from :


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Tennis For Fitness

Looking for a really great way to get in or stay in shape while having a really good time enjoying a friendly game? How about simultaneously developing your hand eye coordination and advancing your skill in a popular sport? There is a certain casual recreational game that current history claims began as a simple enjoyable pastime of French monks; a game which has evolved over the years into a rather competitive international sport enjoyed by people all over the world. It is sure to tone you up and likely be one of your enjoyable pastimes for years to come.

Lamaze Breathing

For those who are trying to take a more natural approach to labor then it’s a very good idea to find some good Lamaze breathing classes. Lamaze breathing consists of breathing techniques that help manage the pain of labor. It isn’t a pain killer. Its purpose is to take your concentration off the pain and on the breathing. It also helps you stay relaxed and keeps you from panicking. Lamaze breathing is a great exercise during pregnancy as well because it delivers more oxygen to the baby.

Pre-natal Yoga

Yoga is a great form of exercise. Its benefits are similar to that of Lamaze breathing. It will teach you how to breathe so that you can manage the pain of labor. It also strengthens your pelvic muscles making it easier to push the baby out during labor. The greatest thing about yoga is that it is a relaxing exercise that brings awareness to your body. Pre-natal yoga not only connects mind body and soul but it also connects you to the life force you have growing inside of you. Yoga has numerous benefits.

The yoga practices will show you how to breather deeper and more fully. Breathing techniques have been used for centuries to help manage the pain of labor. Yoga during pregnancy is a great form of exercise. It will tone your muscles which will help you carry your baby in your tummy and once you’ve given birth. There are poses that will help you stretch muscles will put stress on your lower back from carrying extra weight in front of you.

The first thing they teach you in the class are breathing techniques. These techniques are very similar to Lamaze breathing except they are slower and deeper inhales. Ujjayi breathing is when you breathe in through your nose deep enough to where your belly expands fully. The exhale is just as slow and as deep. This breathing technique will help you stay calm and manage any discomforts of pregnancy. It also delivers extra oxygen to your baby. Remember, you’re breathing for two people. This same breathing exercise can help you prevent early contractions. When people panic or under stress the body releases hormones that may induce labor. The breathing will help you relax all of your muscles so that you don’t tighten up and start contractions early.

A great pose to start out with is the Coobler’s or Tailor’s pose. This pose will help to open up your pelvis. If you are very flexible just make sure that your sit bones are well grounded. You can do so by pulling each side out a little bit. If you need extra support then place a mat, towel or pillow. Sit up against the wall with the soles of your feet touching each other. You can either gently push down on your knees toward the floor or your can just place your elbows if it seems to be enough. With each exhale try to relax and go a little deeper in the stretch making sure that each movement is synchronized with the breath. You should feel your hips opening up and releasing. You can stay in this position as long as you want but make sure that you ease your way out of it especially if you’ve sat in this position for more than one minute.

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