Saturday, December 20, 2008

How jQuery Works

The Basics

This is a basic tutorial, designed to help you get started using jQuery. If you don't have a test page setup yet, start by creating a new HTML page with the following contents:
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Your code goes here
<a href="">jQuery</a>

Edit the src attribute in the script tag to point to your copy of jquery.js. For example, if jquery.js is in the same directory as your HTML file, you can use:
 <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>

You can download your own copy of jQuery from the Downloading jQuery page.

Launching Code on Document Ready

The first thing that most Javascript programmers end up doing is adding some code to their program, similar to this:
 window.onload = function(){ alert("welcome"); }

Inside of which is the code that you want to run right when the page is loaded. Problematically, however, the Javascript code isn't run until all images are finished downloading (this includes banner ads). The reason for using window.onload in the first place is due to the fact that the HTML 'document' isn't finished loading yet, when you first try to run your code.

To circumvent both problems, jQuery has a simple statement that checks the document and waits until it's ready to be manipulated, known as the ready event:
// Your code here

The remaining jQuery examples will need to be placed inside the ready event so that they are executed when the document is ready to be worked on. Add the next section of code:
alert("Thanks for visiting!");

Save your HTML file and reload the test page in your browser. Clicking the link on the page should make a browser's alert pop-up, before leaving to go to the main jQuery page.

For click and most other events, you can prevent the default behaviour - here, following the link to - by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler:
alert("As you can see, the link no longer took you to");

Adding a CSS Class

Another common task is adding (or removing) a CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) class.
First, if you were to add some style information into the header of your script, like this:
 <style type="text/css">
a.test { font-weight: bold; }

and then added the addClass call -

all your a elements would now be bold. To remove the class, you'd use removeClass

  • CSS allows multiple classes to be added to an element.)

Special Effects

In jQuery, a couple of handy effects are provided, to really make your web site stand out. To put this to the test, change the click that you added earlier to this:

Now, if you click any link, it should make itself slowly disappear.

Chainability (The Magic of jQuery)

jQuery uses an interesting concept called a "Builder" to make its code short and simple. The Builder pattern is an object-oriented programming design pattern that has been gaining popularity.

In a nutshell: Every method within jQuery returns the query object itself, allowing you to 'chain' upon it, for example:

Each of those individual methods (addClass, show, and html) return the jQuery object, allowing you to continue applying methods to the current set of elements.

You can take this even further, by adding or removing elements from the selection, modifying those elements and then reverting to the old selection, for example:
alert("You are now leaving the site.");
return false;

Which would work against the following HTML:
<a href="" class="clickme">I give a message when you leave</a>

<a href="" class="hideme">Click me to hide!</a>

<a href="">I'm a normal link</a>

Methods that modify the jQuery selection and can be undone with end(), are the following:

  • add(),

  • children(),

  • eq(),

  • filter(),

  • find(),

  • gt(),

  • lt(),

  • next(),

  • not(),

  • parent(),

  • parents() and

  • siblings().

Please check the Traversing API documentation for details of these methods.

Callbacks and Functions

A callback is a function that is passed as an argument to another function and is executed after its parent function has completed. The special thing about a callback is that functions that appear after the "parent" can execute before the callback executes.

Another important thing to know is how to properly pass the callback. This is where I have often forgotten the proper syntax.

Callback without arguments

For a callback with no arguments you pass it like this:
 $.get('myhtmlpage.html', myCallBack);

Note that the second parameter here is simply the function name (but not as a string and without parentheses). Functions in Javascript are 'First class citizens' and so can be passed around like variable references and executed at a later time.

Callback with arguments

"What do you do if you have arguments that you want to pass?", you might ask yourself.


The Wrong Way (will not work!)
 $.get('myhtmlpage.html', myCallBack(param1, param2));

This will not work because it calls
myCallBack(param1, param2)

and then passes the return value as the second parameter to $.get().


The problem with the above example is that myCallBack(param1, param2) is evaluated before being passed as a function.

In the below usage, an anonymous function is created (just a block of statements) and is registered as the callback function. Note the use of 'function(){'. The anonymous function does exactly one thing: calls myCallBack, with the values of param1 and param2 in the outer scope.
$.get('myhtmlpage.html', function(){
myCallBack(param1, param2);

param1 and param2 are evaluated as a callback when the '$.get' is done getting the page.


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