Sunday, October 25, 2009

Helpful Hints For Starting A Successful Blog

Starting a blog is a great idea. They can be really fun and enjoyable from day one. Often times blogs can be created with minimal monetary investment (how does $0 sound?) and almost no commitment on your part. If you write every day, great. If you write every day for a week and never do so again that is just fine too. Your blog can always be deleted if you no longer find it worth your while.

Blogs can also help supplement your income if you chose to monetize them. It is amazing how advertising works, but people will pay you to place links on your site in the hope that someone will click on it and generate a sale for them. This can be a win-win-win for you, the customer, and the advertiser since you get a little money, the customer gets the product or service they were looking for, and the advertiser finds the customer they are seeking to serve.

There are many very good resources out there on how to start a blog. Here are a few points I have found were particularly useful for me:

1. Choose a topic to write about that interest you. If you do this that means that you will always (well, not always – but most of the time) be willing to write something. If you like personal finance, start a personal finance blog. If you like parenting, start a parenting blog. If you political, religious, have a green thumb, like gadgets, or are totally into celebrities there will always be tons and tons for you to write about because there is always something going on in these areas.

2. Pick a blogging software that you feel most comfortable with. The major players are WordPress (, Blogger (http:///, and TypePad ( Each of these websites offers to let you start a blog on their domain for free – which can be a really nice way to get your feet wet in the blogging world without having to spend any money.

3. Read other blogs. There is so much to learn about blogging and one of the best ways to do that is to read other blogs. I would highly recommend reading blogs from a large section of the internet, not just your own particular niche. That way you can get many different perspectives and hear many different voices. You will be surprised how much you can learn from other people.

4. Make friends. Blogs can be very social and taking advantage of that aspect can really help you stick with it. Get to know other bloggers by leaving comments, engaging in discussions, and letting your opinions be heard. Another good way to do this is to link to other bloggers posts. This lets them know that you appreciate the content they create and that you are on friendly terms with them. If you also comment on their blogs you will definitely make a good impression on them, opening the door to being a blogging ‘friend.’

Give blogging a whirl. It is fun and enjoyable way to interact in the online world. You probably have ideas that can enrich the lives of those lucky enough to find your site and if your content enriches enough lives people will keep coming back to you to find exactly what you provide them. It is a great feeling know that you have a voice and your voice is heard.

Blogging For Money- Free Assistive Hint For Online Money

If your major interest is information related to blogging for money or any other such as globe of blogs, Paris blog sites, free blog com or best sports blog, this article can prove useful.

Now that you are beginning to get familiar with your niche you will be researching and learning more and more. Then you may begin to compose your knowledge and share it with others in the form of articles.

Use real world applications to prove to your readers the expert advice or information you’re passing on. Given that most of your blog postings are going to be 100% test try to assist your readers “visualize” the benefit of heeding your advice by displaying a real world example or actual application that you or one of your existing clients have encountered. Try for the “Hey, man, that would solve our problem, too” reaction from your reader.

Save the long words for your doctoral dissertation. We know you are smart, we know you have a nice vocabulary, but we don’t want to read “magnanimous” when “noble” will do. Keep it simple.

As detailed as this article is, don’t forget that you can find more information about blogging for money or any such information from any of the search engines out there such as MSN. Commit yourself to finding specific information therein about blogging for money, and you will.

Blog networks are groups of Web publisher blogs formed into a network. There can be half a dozen, or hundreds, depending on the ambitions and interests of the owner of the network. Blog networks usually derive their income from advertising.

The final stage is to actually drive traffic to your site! If you’re web logging for money, then you’re going to need actual visitors to assist make your blog an active cash machine. Getting traffic to any website is an art in itself, and there are many methods you can try out. One free method you can use is to post in related internet forums and message boards with a link to your blog in your forum signature. Another method is to submit articles to directories which, again, have a link to your blog.

Making money web logging really is easy in technical execution, so much so that even a relative technophobe could do it. The real key is to attract enough targeted traffic to your blog regularly to ensure that you’re getting the hits on your affiliate links and Google Adsense advertising. You’ll find plenty of advice on how to charge traffic to blogs through internet forum searches. Just be persistent and display a willingness to learn.

It might interest you to know that lots of folks searching for blogging for money also got information related to other PHP hosting, celebrate blog, and even blog spot com here with ease.

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Blog

Blogging is the day’s buzzword and you really need to get on the blogging train if you want to make some cool cash in a small time. Are you interested in finding out how you can make the most out of your blog? Keep reading then.

A blog is basically a space where you can write and post whatever you like. You can pick up a social issue like the condition of people in Africa or environmental issues like global warming. You can also share some recipes with people or just write about your personal life or some experiences. A blog is a place with literally thousands of possibilities. You just have to take a step ahead and create your own possibility.

If you are really passionate about something then your first hurdle towards effective blogging has been eliminated. Now all that you have to do is to register yourself on any of the blogging websites like wordpress etc., find a name that is available and relevant to your topic of discussion and start writing about it.

But what you write must be quality matter and not gibberish; it should attract the reader, give him or her some valuable insights into the topic being discussed and make them come back to you for again with even more visitors. Easier said than done, wouldn’t you say? Well, I totally agree but then this is how it is done. There are a certain things that you can do here and there to make this task a bit easier and get better results and return for the time that you have invested.

The first step is that your blog’s name should reflect the topic that you are blogging about. So if you are discussing about paintings, then don’t name it ‘Paula’s blog’ or ‘Scott’s blog’, etc. keep the name relevant like ‘paintingsworld’ or ‘paintingbazaar’ etc. These names will give an interested reader the first glimpse into what your blog is about.

The second thing that you must do is to pen down a few points. These should be about what all topics that you’ll discuss about paintings and what all you will avoid touching on. Once you have done that it is time to start writing a few articles. Write something about yourself, a little bio of sorts. Write about your experience in the field etc. Now once you have a short intro of yourself and a few articles ready, it is time to start posting articles. Post two or three articles everyday for a few days.

Now if you have a few people reading your material and posting comments it is time to sign up with Google AdSense. They will then place ads on your blog and every time a visitor clicks on these ads you get paid a commission. These commissions are then paid out on a weekly or a monthly basis.

Also you must ensure that the content that you have uploaded is Search Engine Optimized (SEO). You can always take the help of a professional in this regard so that your blog gets a higher ranking in the Google search engine. Also, when you setup your blog on Wordpress, you get a major advantage which is not available on most of the other blogging sites.

At Wordpress you have the option of uploading or rather to say saving many articles at a time while publishing just a few every day. This way you don’t have to login and post new content every day. It also keeps the content on your blog from becoming stale thus keeping your visitor base loyal. It also helps in saving time because you have to write all the articles just at once and then they’ll automatically keep getting posted.

Jonathan Hook offers free tips on how to make money with your blog at Click now and start earning money with your blog

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Instalasi Offline Yahoo! Messenger 9

Anda tentu sudah tidak asing lagi dengan Yahoo! Messenger, khan. Yahoo! Messenger atau yang lebih terkenal dengan singkatan YM adalah layanan chatting yang paling populer saat ini. Hampir semua netter hampir pasti menggunakan layanan dari Yahoo! ini.

Bagi para blogger mania, software yang sat ini musti ada. Nah, berkaitan dengan cara instalasi YM ini, ada dua cara instalasinya ke komputer anda. Yaitu instalasi secara online dan instalasi secara offline.

Jika anda mendownload file instalasi Ym dari, maka anda dipastikan akan menginstalasikan secara online. Artinya, setelah anda berhasil mendownload file yang disediakan di link tersebut, saat instalasi, maka akan ada proses download lagi untuk ukuran file yang lebih besar. Saat instalasi, anda harus dalam keadaan online. Jika koneksi internet anda cukup cepat, agaknya ini bukan masalah. Tapi bagi yang koneksi internetnya lemot, kayaknya jangan coba-coba pakai cara ini deh. Dijamin, instalasi yang anda lakukan akan gatot alias gagal total.

Nah, seperti yang saya lakukan, saya sarankan anda melakukan instalasi YM secara offline saja. Jadi, semua file2 yang dibutuhkan saat instalasi sudah didownload semua. Jadi sewaktu instalasi, anda dapat melakukannya dalam keadaan tanpa terkoneksi dengan internet. Untuk itu anda harus mendownload file instalasi semuanya.

Ini dia file instalasi yang dibutuhkan saat instalasi YM:

* File instalasi YM secara Online
* File instalasi YM secara Offline

sumber :

Monday, October 19, 2009

CSS Menus and 508 Accessibility Compliant

The Section 508 federal U.S. mandate requires web developers to create alternative means of viewing content on websites so that people with disabilities can also experience it. When compliant with 508, web content also becomes more available to all users including those using mobile devices, laptops, voice browsers etc. Therefore, while 508 compliance is something every company needs to be working towards by law, it also affords the same businesses certain benefits that are applicable to not only users with disabilities but to all potential users.

The use of certain types of content on a website makes it difficult or impossible for people without sight or the ability to read, for example, to comprehend the given content expressed.

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Guidelines and Levels of Compliance

The W3C has been tasked with establishing levels of Section 508 compliance based on the regulations set forth in the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

It is not always easy to retro-engineer existing software to comply with Section 508 regulations. The W3C - an impartial group of web and Internet authorities. To help companies work towards compliance sequentially rather than all at once, the W3C has broken the law into three priority levels: A, AA and AAA.

Levels of 508 Compliance:

Priority 1, Level A: Provide content that, when presented to the user, conveys essentially the same function or purpose as auditory or visual content. This guideline emphasizes the importance of providing text equivalents of non-text content (images, pre-recorded audio, video). (text from the mandate itself)

Priority 2, Level AA: Ensure that text and graphics are understandable when viewed without color and that all information conveyed with color is also available without color, for example
from context or markup. (text from the mandate itself)

Priority 3, Level AAA: Mark up documents with the proper structural elements. Control presentation with style sheets rather than with presentation elements and attributes. Use style sheets to control layout and presentation. (text from the mandate itself)

Validation of CSS Menu Compliance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act

There are several validation tools available to software developers to determine if their products are compliant with 508 standards. Pluginlab employed several validation methodologies to ensure the highest level of 508 regulation compliance. These include:

Cynthia Says by Highsoftware is a premium validation tool for 508 compliance. The software detects inconsistencies between site content and Section 508 standards. Pluginlab passed this validation test with zero errors at levels A, AA, and AAA - validating that Pluginlab CSS menus comply with all accessibility ratings.

WAVE by WebAim is used to assist developers and designers in the creation of software with AAA level 508 compliance. All Pluginlab modules passed without error at level AAA compliance, putting it in a singular class of software.

Site Valet by WebThing provides diagnostics for forms, scripts, HTTP, mark-up analysis and processing, HTML, XML, EARL, Link Checking and spell checking. All Pluginlab modules passed validation with zero errors at levels A, AA and AAA. Once again, a third validation that Pluginlab CSS Menu Modules simplify compliance with 508 regulations.

CSS menus in particular are becoming a primary means of navigating a website's many pages and thus are a key component in 508 compliance. CSS menus that provide the necessary support should include such features as keyboard-only support, voice and text reader support and so on. In turn, this level of compliance will also help with search engine optimization of site pages containing CSS menus.

CSS Menus - 5 Key Ingredients

CSS menus offer a greatly expanded range of creative options to site designers. But the benefits to using CSS menus only begins with more expansive design flexibility. There are numerous additional benefits to using CSS menu-based navigation - benefits that will save you time and money in the development and management of all of your client sites.

5 Ingredients for an ideal CSS Menu

Because CSS design separates design elements from site text, changes to the look of a site can be made by swapping out one CSS template for another without changing the text. In addition:

1. CSS Menus better be Recyclable. A CSS menu is a template. Once created it can be used over and over, amortizing development costs with each site you design and build.

With a file folder full of CSS templates, you can adapt existing design elements, give them a different look and employ them on another site without any re-coding. Consider how much that will cut down on site development time and expense.

2. CSS Menus need to be Easily Customizable. Pick and click saves hours of expensive hand-coding. Client requested re-dos can be completed in minutes instead of hours. Change the background color, change the type font, the size whatever the request, fixes are fast using CSS Menus.

And, as you build your client base, expect satisfied clients to come back for updates and upgrades to their sites. These updates are simple and cost effective. They also deliver great margins on work for hire assignments.

3. CSS Menus Must be 100% SEO friendly. That makes site navigation readable to bots and menu text is given high priority in search engine algorithms. Sites show up faster in SE indices when CSS complaint menu technology is deployed.

4. CSS Menus should be Section 508 Compliant. Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 requires equal access to all non-classified information. There are also state regulations used by schools, public institutions, corporations, even restaurants and movie theaters.

5. CSS horizontal and CSS vertical flyouts and dropdown menus should be easily changeable for those with low vision, increasing font size and even background colors for easier accessibility. CSS menus are strongly advocated by the W3C in their site compliance rankings.

One other point. There's an active, robust support community for CSS menu design and development. This means there's plenty of access to good, reliable information from professionals who have already discovered the money-saving, money-making benefits of CSS menu modules.

Image Attributes Used In Professional Web Design

Image tags with its source attribute points to the uniform resource locator that is URL of the graphic file to be displayed to add an inline image to the web document. The tag is added to the HTML document at the location in which we want to display the image. Then file name is replaced with the URL of the image we want to display.

When an inline image is inserted in a document along with text by default the text is aligned with the bottom of the image. The default alignment can be changed using the image tags align attribute. To align the text at the top of the image we can use few attributes. Browsers display images inline and text does not wrap around images but an image can be displayed on the right or left side of the document such that the text surrounds the image. Such an image is termed as a floating image in professional web design.

A floating image can be easily created by using the image tags align attribute that is left or right. Hyper Text Markup Language also supports image scaling. Scaling down of an image means that the image would be displayed in a size described by the image tags height and width attributes, irrespective of the actual dimensions of the image. The download time of the image
does not reduce if we specify dimensions less than the actual image dimensions. The browser still downloads the actual image and then scales it before displaying it on our web page.

Scaling up on an image can also be done. It is similar to scaling down of the image that we attain by using the height and width attribute. Scaling up an image causes deformation of image that is termed as pixilation. Hence scaling up of an image should be avoided as far as possible in professional web design

Alternative text can also be provided for users who use text based browsers. Alternative text tells the user about the presence of a graphic image and provides a brief description of the same. This can be achieved by using image tags.

Web browsers display images with a border around them. The border attribute of image tag can be set by providing a value for the border thickness in pixels. White space around an image can be provided by using space attributes of the image tag. Space tag is used to add vertical and horizontal space around the image.

These attributes provide the space and pixels. Hyper Text Markup Language uses image maps which are a kind of navigational tabs making work easy in professional web design. An image maps an image to one or several links using regions called hot zones.

Working With HTML Text In Professional Web Designing

All the text that is entered on a page should come between body tags. Container tags are body tags that tell a web browser what parts of the HTML document should be displayed in the browser window. The text which we enter in body tag technically should be in another container tag that is paragraph tag.

This tag is used to inform a web browser what text in document constitutes a paragraph. The paragraph container tells the web browser that all the text between the on and off tags is in a single paragraph in professional web design. When we start another paragraph the web browser will insert a line between the two. Break tag is used to end a line. The comment tag is fairly unique in that it is actually used to make the web browser ignore anything that the tag contains. It could be text, hypertext links, image links even small scripts and programs.

We can hide text by using comment tag. The point in hiding the text is that it allows you to create a private message that is intended to remind you of something or to help those who view the raw HTML document to understand what is being done. That is why it is called the comment tag. The comment tag is not the most elegant one in HTML but it works.
Anything typed between comments should be ignored by the browser. We can even ignore multiple lines.

In HTML we can differentiate a portion of text from the rest of it by using header tags. These are container tags and range from level one to six. They allow creating different levels of emphasized headlines to help you organize your document and helps in professional web design. But one significant characteristic of a header tag is that it has the same effect as a paragraph tag, in that it creates a new line after it's off tag. The web browser places the header text and plain text on different lines.

Technically larger header tags should be used previously as per the HTML standard that is if header tag two is used, header one tag should be there somewhere before it. Very few browsers actually require it and developers usually use header tags to change the size of text for emphasis. But it is better to use header tags for true headers and only in a particular order for professional web design. There are few explicit tags often called as physical tags which specifically tell the web browser how the designer wants text to appear physically.

The most common ones are those which mark text as bold, italic or underline and are frequently used in professional web design.

Basics Of HTML For Professional Web Design

HTML is a language used for professional web design. Hyper text markup language is full form of html. It is a standard which is used by World Wide Web documents in professional web designing.

A program called browser is used to view the documents. It is not a programming language even though it is termed as a language. The basic element of a Hyper Text Markup Language is page and therefore any document on the web page is in ASCII text.

HTML uses tags and it is represented by angle brackets. All the code is written in between these brackets. Any text which is contained by angle brackets is considered as an HTML tag by the browser and interpreted accordingly. This code can be text, any address, and it supports different type of image formats. Since HTML uses ASCII text, the web documents are delivered over the network such that they are not platform dependent. Hence only a web browser is required which can interpret HTML files irrespective of whether it is running on a machine using windows or UNIX or Macintosh or any other operating system or hardware platform. We can use any browser from Internet Explorer to Mozilla fire fox.

Web pages for professional web
can be easily created using any simple text editor. In Windows 95 one can use notepad or WordPad. All HTML files are plain ASCII text files with .html extension. Web browsers used to view the files are internet explorer or Netscape navigator or Netscape communicator. The first HTML tags that are used are document tags. These tags are required for every HTML page that is created in professional web design. Different parts of the document are defined by them. An HTML document has two distinct parts namely a head and a body. The head of the HTML document contains the title of the page and other commands. To create the head portion of HTML document and to give the document a title specific text is entered into the text editor.

This tells a web browser that information should be included in head portion of the document and by what name should it call the document in the title bar of the browser window. Most of the work is done inside body. The text is entered here; headlines and graphics are also part of body section. Between these two tags one has to enter the rest of the text and graphics for professional web designs.

In order that all web browsers recognize that this is an HTML document one needs to add some tags on either side of the head and body tags which we have created.
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