Monday, October 19, 2009

Basics Of HTML For Professional Web Design

HTML is a language used for professional web design. Hyper text markup language is full form of html. It is a standard which is used by World Wide Web documents in professional web designing.

A program called browser is used to view the documents. It is not a programming language even though it is termed as a language. The basic element of a Hyper Text Markup Language is page and therefore any document on the web page is in ASCII text.

HTML uses tags and it is represented by angle brackets. All the code is written in between these brackets. Any text which is contained by angle brackets is considered as an HTML tag by the browser and interpreted accordingly. This code can be text, any address, and it supports different type of image formats. Since HTML uses ASCII text, the web documents are delivered over the network such that they are not platform dependent. Hence only a web browser is required which can interpret HTML files irrespective of whether it is running on a machine using windows or UNIX or Macintosh or any other operating system or hardware platform. We can use any browser from Internet Explorer to Mozilla fire fox.

Web pages for professional web
can be easily created using any simple text editor. In Windows 95 one can use notepad or WordPad. All HTML files are plain ASCII text files with .html extension. Web browsers used to view the files are internet explorer or Netscape navigator or Netscape communicator. The first HTML tags that are used are document tags. These tags are required for every HTML page that is created in professional web design. Different parts of the document are defined by them. An HTML document has two distinct parts namely a head and a body. The head of the HTML document contains the title of the page and other commands. To create the head portion of HTML document and to give the document a title specific text is entered into the text editor.

This tells a web browser that information should be included in head portion of the document and by what name should it call the document in the title bar of the browser window. Most of the work is done inside body. The text is entered here; headlines and graphics are also part of body section. Between these two tags one has to enter the rest of the text and graphics for professional web designs.

In order that all web browsers recognize that this is an HTML document one needs to add some tags on either side of the head and body tags which we have created.


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