Curious World Of Benchmarking
As computer hardware continues to improve, it is often hard for even the latest software to actually take advantage of the latest innovations. This means that the most sophisticated computers are generally not being pushed to their full potential. While they can run the newest software with astonishing smoothness and speed, this well within the ability of older computers as well.
rAutomobile technology operates in a similar manner. The latest and most powerful cars typically use technology that isn't helpful on normal roads. There is almost no practical use for the kind of horsepower that delivers speeds that would guarantee you a trip to the county jail. While there are some niche markets where the cutting edge of performance is legitimately practical, such as race cars and trucks used for carrying equipment, but the typical vehicle owner will never find a legitimate use for such horsepower. Instead, many people who have no realistic use for it purchase costly and unreasonably powerful cars as status symbols.
rThis tradition can be seen in the progression of computer technology as well. Advanced computer equipment will deliver considerable but essentially gratuitous differences in performance. There are people that will pay untold sums of money to obtain computer hardware that totally outpaces the demands of available software. These users like to show off with unique builds that they believe will deliver ideal computer performance. Among members of this community, competition can run rampant as everyone tries to get the newest and fastest hardware configured to deliver supreme performance capability.
rThe tricks these fanatical users use to compare their first-class PCs are typically referred to as benchmarking. Computer benchmarking is a method of determining the performance capacity of hardware based on a constant set of variables. For example, a gamer could look at average frame rates while playing a specific game at a certain resolution. This is one kind of benchmark. Some hardware companies will disseminate benchmark statistics as a way to promote the performance of their product. This helps customers figure out which parts to get in the future.
rThere are also specific programs that are used just for benchmarking. For the most powerful parts, this is the only practical way to check their performance at full capacity. Since even new software does not challenge the latest hardware, these programs are made for the sole purpose of stressing your PC. Rapid calculations and other activities are used to produce comparative statistics by which advanced hardware can be judged.
rThis may seem to be a peculiar pursuit for many reasonable users. Why buy pricey computer hardware that has no real practical function? The answer is in the competitive nature of the computer hardware enthusiast. For some people, nothing gets the blood pumping like a water-cooled behemoth that attains fantastic benchmarks. The system will probably remain functional for a very long time too. Future programs will run with ease
rThis insular collective explores the great unknown. They investigate the performance of advanced hardware before most consumer programs get the chance. This allows for the dissemination of useful statistics that might help in future technical support applications. It also helps practical users make wise choices about future hardware upgrades. Most of these advanced pieces of hardware will soon be sold at a much lower price. As a result of this information, the normal user will be able to purchase the hardware the gives the best performance on their favorite software.